DomainService Version 5.144

TechIDManager 5.144. Changes for this release are short and simple. A bug in 5.117 needs to be fixed. As always complete documentation for the command line options is available

Changes for this release include: 

    1. This release is a HOTFIX – There was a bug in 5.117 when installed on a new computer that caused the agent to not properly identify the install as making local accounts, it identified as making domain accounts. This did not effect updated installs, only new installs. 
    2. Removed local/nonlocal options from command line

Download this release –>  DomainService_version_5.144x64_release <–

Size: 370129 bytes (361 KiB)
SHA256: 7d18cd3ed2268da10f2a2ade3df3c9d91a213239a3a21fdea4be88841ab5db06

Example script to install DomainService PAM: InstallScript_5.144x64_Release.ps1

Example script to install DomainService LAPS: InstallLAPSScript_5.144x64_Release.ps1

Example script to update DomainService: UpdateScript_5.144x64server.ps1

Update instructions are

DomainService requires .Net version 4.7

This release requires TechClient 4.030 or newer for JIT to work.