TechIDManager 5.191. Changes for this release are short and simple. A bug in 5.144 needs to be fixed. As always complete documentation for the command line options is available
Changes for this release include:
- Fixed issue with local accounts on domain joined machines showing domain name instead of machine name in TechClient.
- Internal json parser changes.
Download this release –> DomainService_version_5.191x64_release <–
Size: 470716 bytes (459 KiB)
SHA256: eb06047d0e8276869506972fa6dc12915c520262e2f31aa7bb44dab9a792adc6
Example script to install DomainService PAM: InstallScript_5.191x64_Release.ps1
Example script to install DomainService LAPS: InstallLAPSScript_5.191x64_Release.ps1
Example script to update DomainService: UpdateScript_5.191x64server.ps1
Update instructions are
DomainService requires .Net version 4.7
This release requires TechClient 4.030 or newer for JIT to work.