# these are the command line steps to update TechIDManager.AzureAD by Ruffian Software LLC # All right resevered # copyright 2022 Ruffian Software LLC # This script is meant to be run in powershell AFTER you have set the appropriate varaible in the first few lines. # Be aware that some of these steps will register resource providers in the azure tenant and can take up to 15 minutes # to complete some steps the first time they are run in a tenant. # Set these values correctly # directory where the zip file for the function is stored on your local machine. $InstallDir = 'c:\Set\This\To\The\Correct\Directory' # Function app number portion. This should be the numbers in the middle of the ResourceGroup and FunctionApp name # for example techidmgr03221312fa would set the suffix to '03221312' $suffix = '12345678' if ($InstallDir -eq 'c:\Set\This\To\The\Correct\Directory' -or $InstallDir -eq '' -or $InstallDir -eq $null ) { Write-Error '$InstallDir needs to be set' -ErrorAction Stop } if ($suffix -eq '12345678' -or $suffix -eq '' -or $suffix -eq $null ) { Write-Error '$suffix needs to be set' -ErrorAction Stop } # change directory to the location of the downloaded zipfile TechIDManager.AzureAD_version_?.??.zip cd $InstallDir try { az login } catch { Write-Error 'Azure CLI appears to not be installed' -ErrorAction Stop } $RGname = 'techidmgr' + $suffix + 'rg' $APname = 'techidmgr' + $suffix + 'fa' # upload the code/zip for the function # this one line can be rerun to update to a newer version if $suffix is set right az functionapp deployment source config-zip -g $RGname -n $APname --src .\TechIDManager.AzureAD_version_2.87.zip