This is the first public release of the TechIDManager 4.0! This change in major version number is to reflect the addition of Just-In-Time accounts for PAM and LAPS accounts. Read more about TechIDManager JIT Don’t worry, everything is still backward compatible.
Changes for this release include:
- Addition of JIT support for tech accounts
- Added “Just-In-Time” and “Static” command line options
- Account creations flag setting changes
- Internal support changes
- Addition of JIT support for tech accounts
Download DomainService_version_4.037x64_release
Example script to install DomainService PAM: InstallScript_4.037x64_Release.ps1
Example script to install DomainService LAPS: InstallLAPSScript_4.037x64_Release.ps1
Example script to update DomainService: UpdateScript_4.037x64server.ps1
Update instructions are
DomainService requires .Net version 4.7
This release requires TechClient 4.030 or newer.