To remove the DomainService from a DC or Windows computer is a simple matter of running “DomainService.exe uninstall” from an Administrative Command Prompt from the directory where the DomainService.exe was installed. This is usually “C:\Program Files\Ruffian Software”. This will NOT disable accounts, and will NOT remove accounts, created by TechIDManager. This will stop all password rotation and rights management of the accounts created by TechIDManager.
To have the DomainService disable all the accounts the TechIDManager made on a DC or Windows computer, in the Management Console remove the Agent for that DomainService from all Agent Groups. Wait 10 minutes (long enough for the DomainService to check in and disable the accounts), then on the DC, or Windows computer, run “DomainService.exe uninstall” from an Administrative Command Prompt from the directory where the DomainService.exe was installed. This is usually “C:\Program Files\Ruffian Software”.
TechIDManager does not delete accounts. Because deleting accounts removes all future traceability and accountability for things done with that account.