
  • TechClient Version 5.173
    This release addresses a few specific customer facing issues, does some clean up, minnor issue fixes, and updates the .net version to 4.8. Changes for this release are: Only show … Read more
  • DomainService Version 5.144
    TechIDManager 5.144. Changes for this release are short and simple. A bug in 5.117 needs to be fixed. As always complete documentation for the command line options is available … Read more
  • TechIDManager.AzureAD version 5.109
    TechIDManager 5.109! This is the first 5.0 Azure Agent. Don’t worry, everything is still backward compatible. This is the integration between TechIDManager and AzureAD. Install instructions are This version … Read more
  • TechClient.Mobile (Android) Version 4.112
    This is TechClient.Mobile. It supports read-only access to all Managed and User Credentials. Changes for this release include: TOPT showing for User Passwords Decryption to “Chinese” characters fixed UI Clean … Read more