TechIDManager.AzureAD version 5.040

TechIDManager 5.039! Don’t worry, everything is still backward compatible. This is the integration between TechIDManager and AzureAD. Install instructions are

This version runs on a consumption plan, has support for pure AzureAD environments and support for hybrid DC/AzureAD environments with AD Connect already setup and running to sync users. We suggest a non-hybrid setup for Admin Users.

The Azure tenant MUST HAVE A SUBSCRIPTION PLAN (sorry I didn’t mean to yell), and that subscription plan must support a function running on a consumption plan, Pay-As-You-Go or something similar. If you don’t know what this is, don’t worry, we have a suggestion. Login to your client’s tenant before running the installation script and add a Pay-As-You-Go plan, this requires a credit card, so put in your company credit card. It will be charged about $0.25 a month for each tenant. There are cost and budget tools in Azure you can use to limit the costs and who can use the Pay-As-You-Go plan if you want to set those up.

If you are using this script to update an installation, then specific instructions for that are: Basically run the script and it will check for an existing installation and ask if you want to update it, say yes.

This version changes:

  1. Update to install script to allow for installation on Azure Government Cloud
  2. Update to Function to allow running in Azure Government Cloud
  3. Other non-customer facing changes

Deployment PowerShell Script 5.040.ps1  (NOTE* you probably need to right click and “Save link as”)