Technician Signup Instructions -TechIDManager

This is the third step from the Install Instructions for TechIDManager.

This set of instructions is to set your technician account up, and then once a manager actives your account you will have accounts created for you and they will show up on the Managed Password tab.

We are happy to setup a meeting to do all these steps with you and anyone in your company. If you need assistance, please book installation assistance.

Step # What to do Expected Result
1 Download the latest TechClient from TechClient_version_X.Y.msi downloaded to your computer
2 Run the TechClient_version_X.Y.msi file to install it TechClient installed on your computer
3 Run “TechIDManager” -> “TechClient” from the start menu TechClient starts and shows a startup wizard.
4 Follow the setup wizard when TechClient starts for the first time. Passphrase is important, don’t forget it. The TechClient Setup Wizard will ask for:

  • ClientID from above.
  • Username created by a manager above.
  • Your first and last name, which can used used in customized usernames at client sites.
All the information is filled out
5 Go the settings screen, the “hamburger” icon in the top right corner, and “Export Keys” to a safe place. Private key backed up somewhere safe.
6 Let your manager know you have signed up and they can now active your account in the Management Console. Once your account is active you will see accounts being created in the Managed Password tab.

At this point the techs are signed up and set up. The next step is to Install Some Agents.

Any questions –